At first, the smell of patchouli brings an earthly owl. But what is behind this term? See how the patchouli smells and how it is used in perfumery.

Many OSB knows how the patchouli smells because of its characteristic, root soda, which brings the smell of camphor to my mind.

In the 1960s, the patchouli was hiped with a hippie movement, and today she is moving the Renaissance and you will find JW a note of the base of all popular perfumes.

See why the smell of patchouli is so unusual and how this unusual rolina paves his way from Pharaoh Tutankhamon to the most popular perfume from Paczul Thierry Mugler Angel.

How does the patchoulo smell?

Paczula oil is torn out, sodas and absolutely stunning smell. It is also described as dark, Pimowo-Early, reminiscent of the moist of the earth.

Due to his expressive, even a bit of diluted patchouli oil is enough for a long. It is most often used as a base note. They are considered to be the captivator of the vicar, which means that it consolidates other fragrance notes that create perfume compositions.

The smell of Patchuli can even be happy in the form of lid. A lot of good sits about the aroma of patchouli and tobacco.

The history of patchouli

The patchouli is known for this, EW of the 1960s, was the favorite fragrance of hippts in the West. However, it should be remembered that he was used thousands of years earlier.

The Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamon will at his once be buried to be buried with over 30 liters of patchouli oil.

The Romans used him as a family to stimulate appetite, and the first traders arriving from other European countries chewed for the packet of her weight in Zota .

Some say that patchouli oil takes its name from the Hindu Sowa Pacholi , which means smells, as the EW of the nineteenth century in India , fabrics such as silk and scarves have been widely perfumed in India to get rid of molw and other insects.

Others suggest that the name of the patchuli may take place from the ancient SW from the Tamilian jzyk: patch and ellai , meaning green li.

It is believed that based on the smell of patchouli oil, it was found whether the fabrics were really from the country of the orient . Even English and French fabric manufacturers perfumed their products with patchouli oil to make their prices.

Placement of patchouli

The patchouli roma in the tropical countries of the Social Asia, but they are also grown in other places of the tropical and subtropical climate zone, including on various islands of Indonesia, the Philippines, in Malaysia, India, China and after -preudel America.

How is patchouli oil obtained?

Patchouli is a kind of roll of light -like family, known under its Pen name as a packet. This lush, evergreen rolina has a slightly pusty and white-violet flowers. However, the characteristic fragrance only gets after the rotation.

The model of patchouli is distilled for helping water vapor. It is believed that the first 3-4 pairs of leafies find the highest patchouli give oil with the most powerful smell. There is a belief that the oil of the most common quality is obtained, distilled dried patchouli right after harvesting.

Patchouli essential oil usually has a GST consistency and takes color in the range from that to dark -haired or mirror.

The color of the oil is rolled depending on the containers in the distillation process. If the oil is distilled in a stainless steel tank, we will get a bright and sticky product. In turn, use in the production of an evy tank will result in a gstal oil in dark -colored color.

The aroma of the patchouli will remain similar without methods - it resembles the humid earth of pimow, earthly and slightly sodkaw notes, which is described as mikk and rich.

Perfume from Paczul

The patchuline oil is well blended with other essential oils, including vegetable oil, zander and cedar trees, bergamot, mirrrh, jamin, fish, citrus and olibanum. More than more, the vanilla and other scent of sodium fragrances will allow.

For example, the perfume of Thierry Mugler Angel Cz Paczul from vanilla, caramel and chocolates, creating a known fragrance chord, which find many topics.

Bergamot notes contain the most popular women's perfumes and mskie fragrances, popular compositions and niche perfumes, perfumed waters and toilet waters.

I exchange three, but if you want to see more, read my ranking perfume from Paczul .

In the revival from many perfumes, which try to break up with the hippie movement, which is carried out by the patchouli, Velvet Haze openly transports to the psychedelic spell of past years.

These unisex perfumes do not use patchouli as notes of the base, which release against the background of many other compositions. Instead, the smell of patchouli is released immediately in the company of coconut, Pima and the absolute cocoa.

Perfumes are smoke and sodium. Do not leave anyone in color, so you will either reject them immediately or you will love it forever.

2. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle

The first impression after using Coco Mademoiselle Chanel is an uncomfortable car - a wind mixture of citrus and white flowers provides additional energy adunts. But when after a few minutes there are notes of patchouli, the smell takes on a sexy, avant -garde character.

This removal composition was created in 2001, but its timeless smell will never go out of fashion. This is evidenced by the fact that so many years later, the amazing popularity is still enjoying - it is best selling women's perfumes in Poland.

You get them to work for work, but those at the end of the evening. Delight on the occasion.

3. Tom Ford Noir

Drying a serious classic for real dentelmen. Perfumes Mskie Tom Ford Noir from 2012 are deals with many guys in the toilets.

The secret of his good luck is the abundant patchouli, powder iris, balsamic ambra and fluffy vanilla, which in the time creates what, which can determine the sophisticated mapping of Mska classics from the 1920s.

It is an exceptional and mskie perfume, which has a wild boar soda and powder elegance. In one Sow - exchanged!

Other ways to use patchouli

The patchouli was traditionally used for its healing values. Ni inflammation of the scrach was treated, scars were removed, the blade, columns and mini cramps were reduced. Paczul was used to treat bacterial and viral infections as well as in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Chicits, Japanese and Arabs believe that it works like an aphrodisiac.

Currently, a patchouli is a popular perfume skate, as well as in perfumed industrial products, such as paper wars, ancestry and air visitor.

After erasing the essential oil, many OSB states that they know how the patchouli smells. Its aroma is so popular that it is difficult to escape from it. I admit that this is one of my favorite notes, which is why I recommend Paczul perfumes.