peach, neroli, magnolia, orchid

Heart note
honeysuckle, mmday, pimo

Base note
Ambra, tonka beans, sequoia

I don't remember since I love Beyonce, but I get to know her perfume Heat relatively recently.

Strange, because these perfumes are available on the market for many years. All because I am smelling of Snobk. If what comes out in the celebrity line I don't even get it. As a result, I avoid me peeki like this - the women's perfumes Beyonce Heat is a wind smell.

I try to look at the perfume through the prism of the smell itself all the time. However, sometimes on me I am influenced by the luxurious position of the brand, bottle's thistle, advertising and even the opinion of the seller in the drugstore. I often experience a great profession repeatedly testing celebrity perfumes.

I admit that it has a feeling when Beyonce gives you a fragrance in the nose and with his balsamic Gos asks: Who are you in the focus? And it is even nicer that for 60 Zotych you can have 100 milliliters of peach ambrosia from pimow bases.

How does Beyonce Heat smell like?

The beginning of this smell is really chasing. Opening of a flower-bucking sodacz . Although the bouquet of orchid and magnolia can seem chimpy, in fact these are the fragrance notes of peach in syrup and pushes okcia.

Leaving not too much space for flowers. Maybe heat after a fast cork teet does not seem to be the best purchase.

After a few minutes, the smell changes. Children and all this candy splendor ugl places for cream and balsamic chords. It is easier to wear such sophisticated soda.

Sophisticated, because built around Pima and Orchida . Where in the background you can capture the macaroon (this is a conversion cake), but if I did not see it in the list of notes, I probably would not know that he is there.

The base is AMBROWA . Unfortunately, it is so delicate that it is difficult for me to feel the seques. It is true that where the wood sounds there, but it will find if it is a sequisia or if it can be different.

In GBI there is these almda and I do not know if this time has now come for the time mentioned in the Migday list (theoretically it has to appear in the heart), whether it is the cause of Toki beani.

Beyonce: visionary. Trendsetterka. Icon.

What does Beyonce bring to the modern world? POP musician, supporting roles in movies, collections clothes signed with his name, perfumes? Yes, but there are many people like her.

Why does Beyonce steal my heart? Because in you know where laziness and roads to Skrty are promoting, she shows that success is primarily ciaca work and pedantism.

Successful people do not have free weekends. Now he is fighting in Pier and asks the question: why do I call in Beyonka Heat ? I don't know.

Beyonce Heat reviews: How is it? Who were they created for? S permanent?

If the opening was long, I would probably not judge this smell high. However, over time, Heat acquires class and senses. He brings out pimium, Ambrowe chords and builds the fragrance structures. I like it very much. Shandly autumn and winter .

This is Pereka on the PCE of the drugstore . I would be able to see them a lot than the average celebrity perfumes. I think that I will not exaggerate, if I say that heat is a lot of more interesting position for me than most perfumes than Versace. He beats on Gow Jimmy Choo Illct and Banaln Malin Lady Million.

It is so wrong that this sodka torpedo will like fashion girls at the beginning - the one before 20. On the other hand, Pimo and Ambra may discourage them, because they are chords for more mature noses.

However, not everything in this smell is fabulous . According to most of the opinions of bloggers and users on perfume forums, heat is a stretch fragrance.

Unfortunately, it disappears on my Skra after 3 hours. So if you decide to buy, then immediately invest in the largest bottle.

Beyonce Heat: Kocowa rating

These perfumes are wonderfully worn. Shilty companion Zarwno during the day and during an evening dinner.

Recently, during a trip with friends on the city, I was accosted by Mrs. Koo 50, who was interested in this smell. It was right after leaving the car, so heat with charm, the construction of a sodko-mow aur.

During the meeting, I tell about this colleague and chcc will check what smell it is about, the inclination of my neck - so their projection was already much smaller.

A few months after the premiere of this fragrance, the new version of Beyonce Heat Rush was presented. Be sure to see how this fragrance during my stages!